Clutch Cable for Honda HRX (476C QXE)
Product Information:
Genuine Honda Clutch Cable54510-VK8-A51 and 54510-VK8-A53 replaced by 04201-VK8-A50, which will be supplied.Suitable for the following models;
- HRX476C-QXE MASF1000001-
The item image shows original cable - the new cable from Honda (04201-VK8-A50) is a different design, but does fit.The new cable is a different design - with a spring at the handle/clutch lever & slotted end of the cable. The dog leg fitting now fits to the gearbox - not the clutch lever, as the old version did.Please check full Honda model designation & serial number of mower to determine the correct parts.Please note all models above detail the specific model & serial number range for which this part is suitable.
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