Mountfield OPC Cable fits SP555 p/n 81030061/0
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181030061/0Suitable for the following models; Mountfield SP505 (Honda GCV135) 292502038/M11 SP505R (Honda GCV160) 292505038/M11 SP555 SP555R 292555038/M11
This category includes genuine Mountfield OPC cables for the Mountfield garden machinery range of lawnmowers, ride on mowers & garden tractors.For All Parts Questions and Enquiries email [email protected]
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181030061/0Suitable for the following models; Mountfield SP505 (Honda GCV135) 292502038/M11 SP505R (Honda GCV160) 292505038/M11 SP555 SP555R 292555038/M11
Genuine Mountfield Engine Brake Cable 181030001/0 Suitable for the following models: Mountfield 5020 PD 2008 299275343/MEE 5020 PD 2009 299275343/M33 5020 PD 2009 299275343/MEE SP534 ES 2008 SP536 ES 2011
Genuine Mountfield clutch cable 381000697/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield 483R 483R/ES 550R 553R 553R/ES M40PD M43PD M44PD M44PD (RM55 OHV 160cc) M480R/ES M484R M484R (RM55 OHV 160cc) M484R/ES (RM55-ES OHV 160cc) M550R/ES M554R M554R (RM55 OHV 160cc) M554R/ES (RM55-ES OHV 160cc) M6SP M60PD/ES M61PD M61PD M62PD M63PD M63PD/ES M64PD M64PD (RM55 OHV 160cc) […]
Genuine Mountfield Operator Presence Control Cable 181000661/0Suitable for the following models; 45HP 45PD HP470 (2002, 2003) SP470
Genuine Mountfield replacement operator presence control cable 181000657/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HP474 (2008) SP474 (2008) 464PD (2008) 514PD (2008) Stiga Collector; 46 Combi B (2008) 46S Combi B (2008) 53SE BW Combi (2009) Combi; 48S BW (2009) 48S BW B (2009) 53 4SE BW (2009) 53S BW (2009) 53S BW B (2009) […]
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181030053/0 Suitable for the following models: Mountfield HP414 (V35 engine) SP414 (V35 engine) HP42R 299434143/BQ HP45H 299014633/BQ HP46R 299484043/BQ HP180R 299484043/M16 HW511PD HWS510PD S421RHP 299434043/M14 S421RPD 299439043/M14 S460PD S461HP S461PD S461PD/ES S461RHP S461RPD 299489043/M19 S461RPD/ES 299489543/M12 S461RPD LS 299489543/M19 S464PD S46RHP S501RPD 294519043/M19 S501RV LS 294519543/M19 S510PD S511PD HP183 299194623/SF HP184 […]
Genuine Mountfield replacement OPC (operator presence control) cable 181030054/0 To fit a steel OPC lever. Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HP45 299174648/M17 HP46 2L0481048/M19 295491048/M19 HP184 299174643/SF HP454 299174643/BQ 299024643/BQ S421RHP 299434043/M19 S421RPD 299439043/M19 SP45 299274648/M17 SP46 299274643/M13 2L0482048/M19 295492048/M19 SP160R 299439043/MC SP184 2299274643/SF SP425R 299439038/M19 SP454 299274643/BQ 299114643/BQ SP536 299265448/BQ Stiga Collector 46S 299274648/S14 Combi 48 295485048/S16 Combi 48S […]
Mountfield OPC Cable SP465R HP465R 181030070/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HP465R 299484038/M12 S501RPD 294519043/M16 SP425R 299489038/M15 299439038/M19 SP465R 299489038/M15 299489038/M19 SP505RV 294519038/M16 294519038/M19 SP555RV 294569038/M16 SP555V 294563038/M16 294563038/M19 294563038/M20 Atco Liner 18SH 299489037/AT5 Liner 22SH V 294569027/AT6 Quattro 22S V 4in1 294563827/AT7 Stiga Twinclip 50SQH 294512838/ST1 Twinclip 55 SB 294562028/S17 294562028/ST1 Twinclip 55SQB 294562828/ST1 Twinclip 55 […]
Genuine Mountfield Lawnmower Engine Brake (OPC) Lever 181003300/1Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HP42R 299434143/BQ HP465R 299484038/M12 HP46R 299484043/BQ HP180R 299484043/M16 M4820HP S421RHP 299434043/M14 299434043/M19 S421RPD 299439043/M14 299439043/M19 S461PD/ES 299489543/M12 S461RHP 299484043/M12 S461RPD 299489043/M12 299489043/M19 S461RPD/ES 299489543/M12 S461RPD LS 299489543/M19 S464PD 299483043/M10 SP42R 299439143/BQ SP160R 299439043/MC SP180R 299489143/M16 SP425R 299439038/M14 299439038/M15 299439038/M19 SP465R 299489038/M12 299489038/M14 […]
Genuine Mountfield replacement operator presence control cable for the HP474 and SP474 petrol lawn mowers manufactured in 2007 and 2009 Item number 116 on the diagram. Engine: RV40 and RV150 150cc
Genuine Mountfield replacement operator presence control cable 181000641/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield 462RHP 294486038/UM8 462RPD 294489038/UM8 464RPD/ES 46P DH HP425 HP465R 460RHP 460RPD S420HP S420PD S421HP S461RHP S461RPD S461RPD/ES SP425 SP465R (2011) 510PD Castelgarden R484 R484TR RLM534TR TDLM534TRE Replaces S1136 1359 01 (S1136-1359-01)
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181000708/0 L=886mm Suitable for the following models; Mountfield 420HP 294434123/UM8 294434023/MO6 422HP 294434038/UM8 294434033/MO7 422PD 294435038/UM8 460HP 294484023/UM8 294484023/MO6 460PD 294485023/UM8 294485023/MO6 462PD 294485038/UM8 294485033/MOU 462HP 294484033/CAL 463PD/ES 294485943/MO7 510PD/ES 294538523/UM8 510PD 294538023/CAL 294538023/MO6 Stiga Collector; 53SE BW Combi 294537541/ST9 Combi; 48S BW 294487044/ST9 48S BW B 294487024/ST9 53 4SE […]
Genuine Mountfield replacement OPC (operator presence control) cable to fit red plastic OPC lever 181000612/0 Item number 3 on the diagram Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HL454HP (2008) 299164643/BQ HL454SP (2008) 299264643/BQ HP454 (V35 150cc) (2010) 299174643/BQ HP454 (V35 150cc) (2011) 299174643/BQ SP454 (V35 150cc) (2011) 299274643/BQ Stiga Collector; 46 (2007) 24-3734-43 46 (2008) 24-3734-64 […]
Genuine Mountfield Engine Brake OPC Cable 181000688/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield 483R 292505043/MOR 483R/ES 292505543/MOR 553R 292555043/MOR 553R/ES 292555543/MOR M40PD 292502023/CAL M44HP 292501043/UM8 M44PD (RM55 OHV 160cc) 292502043/UM8 M484R 292505043/UM8 M554R 292555043/UM8 M62PD 292552033/CAL M63PD 292552143/MO7 M63PD/ES 292552543/MO7 M64PD 292552143/UM8 SP555 292552038/BQ SP554 292552048/BQ Stiga Dino; 47 11-1134-22 Turbo; 45S Rental 292452041/ST9 45S […]
Genuine Mountfield SP53H Engine Brake Cable 181030088/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield SP46 Elite 2L0486038/M19 SP51H 295546138/MC SP53H 295546038/SF SP53 Elite 295546038/M18 295546038/M19 SP533IS 295546528/MC Stiga Collector 53SH 295536038/STX Combi 53SQH 295536838/STX
Genuine Mountfield Lawnmower OPC Cable 181000634/0Suitable for the following models; Collector 55S Combi 12-9234-73 Multiclip 50 291501044/ST9 Multiclip 50 4S Inox Rental 291563041/ST9 Multiclip 50 4S Inox Rental B 291563021/ST9 Multiclip 50 4S Silent Rental 291553041/ST9 Multiclip 50 4SE Rental 291503541/ST9 Multiclip 50 4SE Rental B 291503521/ST9 Multiclip 50 B 291501024/ST9 Multiclip 50 Euro B […]
Mountfield OPC Engine Brake Cable 181030079/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield HP41 297411048/M17 HP164 297411048/SF HP414 297411043/BQ 297411143/BQ SP41 297412048/M17 SP164 297412048/SF SP414 297412043/BQ 97412143/BQ 297412043/BQ Atco Quattro 15 297411027/AT7 Quattro 15S 297412027/AT7 Stiga Multiclip 47QB 298471828/S15 Multiclip 47SEQ B 298472528/ST1 Multiclip 47SQB 298472828/S15
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181000625/0 Suitable for the following models; Mountfield 462RPD 294489038/UM8 464RPD/ES HP460R 460RHP 460RPD 46RHP 46RPD SP460R S420HP S420PD S421HP S422HP S422PD S460 S461RHP S461RPD S461RPD/ES SP530 Castelgarden NG504 NG504TR R484 R484-G R484R R484TR R484TRE R484TR R534 R534TR R534TRE RL484TR RL484TRE RL534TR RL534TRE RLM534TR TD484 TD484TR TD484TRE TD484TRE TD484TR TDLM534TRE
Genuine Mountfield Engine Brake (OPC) Cable 181000631/0Suitable for the following models; NG414M R484BS PA504 PA504TR Size 1230mm Inner x 1045mm Outer
Genuine Mountfield OPC Cable 181030056/1 (was 181030056/0) Suitable for the following models: Mountfield 462PD 4820HP 4820PD HW512PD4S HW514PD 500PD 501HP HP41 297411043/m21 HP414 (ST120) 297411043/M20 297411043/M21 S421HP (2011 > 2013) S421PD (2011 > 2013) S460HP S460PD S461HP S461PD S461PD/ES S464PD SP185 2L0482023/MC SP46LS 2L0486548/M19 SP460PD (from 2010) SP460SD (from 2010) SP465 SP530HW SP535 SP535HW Castelgarden EP414 […]